Choosing a photographer

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Logic helps you a lot through life and through logic I had the foresight and courage to recognise
and instigate advances in photographic colour, quality and equipment.  You have to be in the right
place at the right time and have the things that people are looking for.  Consequently, through my
initiatives and motivation, the Wedding and Portraiture Photographic Industry in New Zealand became
as good as anywhere in the world, and the individuals within it prospered.

For 17 years I travelled to America at least three times a year, searching for improved  photographic
 procedures.  I set out to make the best colour lab possible and in doing so made something profitable
 and of quality - I achieved the standard I wanted.   I’m not impressed by the fact that I’ve had
 everything I’ve ever wanted or that I’ve had my achievements documented with awards and commendations,
but I am impressed by the fact that I can sit down and feel relaxed with anybody, it doesn’t matter
who or what they are.

1993 I sold my business to Kodak, had a ten-year restraint of trade but had enough money to live
life...and travel.   I have since had very little to do with the photographic industry but have
spent six months of each year travelling for pleasure.  Travel, indeed life, is about your whole
attitude of how you approach the destination and the journey.   I just wander through my days
traveling, living loose and enjoying the freedom.  After all, I never expected to reach 80, no-one
knows when their time is up so you live every day as if it’s your last.  To date I have
visited 59 countries and have written over 30 travel books, concluding with the recent publication of

FINAL PROOF, a philosophic and photographic account of business and travel.
    By 'A Picture Says A Thousand Words' Ivan McLellan, 2016
    Print Book, 262 Pages 203 Photos
    Created with BookSmart
    Publish date: February 17 2016, 17:13 +1300
    Last edit: Octeber 3rd 2016 5.13pm


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